CariMex Foods is a Mexican restaurant located in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, at the address El Paso 7000 Gateway Blvd E. The restaurant has a casual and friendly atmosphere, and it is perfect for those who want to enjoy a delicious and authentic Mexican meal. The restaurant’s phone number for contact is (915) 626-9392.
CariMex Foods is open from Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, and on Saturdays from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. The restaurant is closed on Sundays. The restaurant only accepts cash payments, so make sure to bring some with you when you visit.
The menu at CariMex Foods features a variety of traditional Mexican dishes that are made with fresh and high-quality ingredients. Some of the most popular dishes include tacos, burritos, enchiladas, and fajitas. The restaurant also offers a selection of appetizers, soups, and salads.
The restaurant’s decor is simple but tasteful, with colorful Mexican-themed artwork on the walls. The seating is comfortable, and the staff is friendly and attentive. Whether you are looking for a quick lunch or a relaxed dinner with friends and family, CariMex Foods is a great choice for authentic Mexican cuisine.

Contact information:

  • Phone: (915) 626-9392
  • Address: New Mexico, Santa Teresa, El Paso 7000 Gateway Blvd E, TX 79915
  • Regular hours: Mon – Fri: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm, Sat: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm, Sun Closed
  • Email:

Mexican food near me

CariMex Foods is a vibrant and colorful Mexican restaurant located in the heart of Santa Teresa. This restaurant is a haven for foodies who love to explore the flavors of the Caribbean and Mexico. CariMex Foods offers a unique blend of Mexican and Caribbean cuisine, featuring a wide range of dishes that are sure to tantalize your taste buds.
As one of the best Mexican restaurants in Santa Teresa, CariMex Foods is known for its authentic Mexican dishes, such as tacos, burritos, enchiladas, and fajitas. The restaurant also offers a variety of Caribbean-inspired dishes, including jerk chicken, plantains, and rice and beans.
In addition to its delicious food, CariMex Foods also offers catering services for special events and parties. Whether you’re hosting a corporate event or a family gathering, the restaurant can provide you with a customized menu that will satisfy all your guests’ tastes.
CariMex Foods is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike, and it’s easy to see why. The restaurant’s vibrant atmosphere, friendly staff, and delicious food make it a must-visit destination for anyone who loves Mexican and Caribbean cuisine.
If you’re looking for a Mexican restaurant that offers a unique twist on traditional Mexican cuisine, CariMex Foods is the place to be. So come on down to Santa Teresa and experience the flavors of Mexico and the Caribbean at CariMex Foods today!

More information:

  • Tags: Caribbean Restaurants, Caterers, Mexican Restaurants
  • Payment method: Cash Only
  • Price range:
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