Pescado Blanco is a vibrant and authentic Mexican restaurant located in the heart of Kalispell, Montana. The restaurant is situated at 235 1st St, MT 59937, and can be contacted via phone at (406) 862-3290. Pescado Blanco is open every day of the week, from Monday to Sunday, and operates from 5:00 pm to 11:30 pm.
The restaurant boasts a lively and colorful ambiance that is reminiscent of the vibrant streets of Mexico. The walls are adorned with colorful murals, and the furniture is crafted from rich, dark wood. The restaurant is spacious and can accommodate large groups of diners.
The menu at Pescado Blanco features a wide range of traditional Mexican dishes, including tacos, burritos, enchiladas, and fajitas. The restaurant is particularly renowned for its seafood dishes, which are made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Some of the most popular dishes on the menu include the shrimp ceviche, fish tacos, and the grilled salmon.
In addition to its delicious food, Pescado Blanco also offers a wide range of beverages, including margaritas, tequila shots, and Mexican beer. The restaurant accepts all major credit cards, including Amex, Discover, Master Card, and Visa, making it easy for diners to pay for their meals.
Overall, Pescado Blanco is a must-visit restaurant for anyone looking for an authentic Mexican dining experience in Kalispell, Montana. With its delicious food, lively ambiance, and friendly staff, it’s the perfect place to enjoy a night out with friends or family.

Contact information:

  • Phone: (406) 862-3290
  • Address: Montana, Kalispell, Whitefish 235 1st St, MT 59937
  • Regular hours: Mon – Sun: 5:00 pm – 11:30 pm
  • Email: [email protected]

Mexican food near me

Pescado Blanco is a vibrant and authentic Mexican restaurant located in the heart of Kalispell. As soon as you walk in, you’ll be greeted by the colorful decor and lively atmosphere. The menu is filled with classic Mexican dishes, such as tacos, enchiladas, and burritos, as well as seafood specialties like ceviche and grilled fish.
This restaurant is perfect for those looking for a casual dining experience with friends and family. The friendly staff is always happy to recommend their favorite dishes and drinks. If you’re in a rush, they also offer take out services for your convenience.
Pescado Blanco is a must-visit for anyone craving delicious Mexican cuisine in Kalispell. It’s a great spot for lunch or dinner, and they also offer catering services for special events. Whether you’re a local or just passing through, this restaurant is sure to satisfy your cravings for authentic Mexican food. Don’t forget to tag them on social media with #MexicanRestaurants and #Restaurants.

More information:

  • Tags: Mexican Restaurants, Restaurants, Take Out Restaurants
  • Payment method: All Major Credit Cards, Amex, Discover, Master Card, Visa
  • Price range: $$
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