Taco Bueno is a Mexican restaurant located at 510 E North Ave, MO 64012 in the city of Olathe, Kansas. The restaurant is easily accessible and can be contacted through their phone number (816) 322-0235. The restaurant operates from Monday to Friday from 6:00 am to 1:00 am and is closed on Saturdays. Taco Bueno is known for its delicious Mexican cuisine and is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. The restaurant offers a variety of dishes such as tacos, burritos, nachos, quesadillas, and more. The ambiance of the restaurant is warm and welcoming, with friendly staff and a cozy atmosphere. The restaurant accepts all major credit cards, making it easy for customers to pay for their meals. Overall, Taco Bueno is a great place to enjoy authentic Mexican cuisine in a comfortable setting.

Contact information:

  • Phone: (816) 322-0235
  • Address: Kansas, Olathe, Belton 510 E North Ave, MO 64012
  • Regular hours: Mon – Fri: 6:00 am – 1:00 am, Sat Closed
  • Email:

Mexican food near me

Taco Bueno is a popular Mexican restaurant located in the bustling city of Olathe. Known for its delicious fast food and authentic Mexican cuisine, this restaurant is a must-visit for anyone looking for a quick and satisfying meal. With its vibrant decor and friendly staff, Taco Bueno offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere that is perfect for families, friends, and solo diners alike.
As a fast food restaurant, Taco Bueno offers a range of quick and convenient options that are perfect for those on the go. From tacos and burritos to nachos and quesadillas, there is something for everyone on the menu. For those looking for a more traditional Mexican dining experience, the restaurant also offers a range of classic dishes that are sure to satisfy any craving.
In addition to its delicious food, Taco Bueno also offers a range of services and products to enhance the dining experience. From catering services to online ordering, the restaurant makes it easy for customers to enjoy their favorite dishes no matter where they are. With its extensive menu, friendly staff, and convenient services, Taco Bueno is a top choice for anyone looking for a great Mexican restaurant in Olathe.

More information:

  • Tags: Fast Food Restaurants, Mexican Restaurants, Restaurants
  • Payment method: All Major Credit Cards
  • Price range: $
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